Dry Skin Relief For Dogs

Does your dog have dry itchy skin ?  There can be many reasons for this and finding a dry skin relief for dogs can be challenging.  Sometimes dry skin is caused by the weather, allergies in the environment and/ or diet. Finding a dry skin relief for dogs is important so that the skin problem does […]

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How To Clean Your Dogs Teeth At Home

Whаt causes dental problems іn dogs? Chewing hard objects that can damage уоur dog’s teeth.  Sugary, starchy treats fed tо dogs all the time can cause cavities іn thеіr teeth аѕ wеll. Dogs can get frustrated аnd bored аnd start chewing оn things that never should go into their mouth that wears on their teeth.  […]

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Allergies In Dogs

Allergies in dogs are an immune response to something in the body or environment so, it could be an environmental allergy, a food allergy or their diet, which is causing something to go wrong inside their body.  Your vet will usually start with an assumption that there is an allergy to something when your dog […]

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